Autors: Hvarchilkov, D. S.
Title: Wireless Power Transfer
Keywords: Wireless energy transfer, Power converters, Induction power

Abstract: In this paper base methods and principles of wireless power transfer (WPT) are discussed. A thorough comparison between different methods of WPT is made. There are also details about power level, operational frequency, efficiency, gap distance, as well as the effect on human health. An example of WPT system based on an inductive resonant coupling principle is shown. The WPT system is examined in different ways, and the results are given. Simplified diagram of the device is shown. Wireless communication between the modules using Bluetooth™ standard is offered. This gives an opportunity for controlling the device remotely. Conditions are set for the experiment to be made and the following results are given.



    ELECTRONICS, vol. 0, pp. 103-109, 2016, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-8605

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