Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Eтика в консултирането
Ключови думи: experts, professionals, and consultants, managerial consulta

Абстракт: In this paper I consider different approaches and discourses about consultancy which we use in different kind of services. It is argued that there are some important distinctions between experts, professionals, and consultants. The aims of my paper are to analyze specific ethical problems of business behavior in consultancy, as well to recognize moral issues, which confront consultants, and managerial consultants. Business ethics, social and professional moral responsibility, loyalty, client positioning, and service orientation are discussed in different perspectives. A framework for understanding ethics of consultancy as professional activity, business interaction, and human contact and conduct in different service branches is proposed in this paper.



    Сп. Диалог, том -, брой 2, стр. стр. 18, 2002, Албания, Свищов, Стопанска Академия «Д. Ценов»

    Издателските права се държат от Стопанска Академия «Д. Ценов»

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Title: Ethics in consultancy
    Keywords: experts, professionals, and consultants, managerial consultants, professional ethics, loyalty, moral responsibility

    Abstract: In this paper I consider different approaches and discourses about consultancy which we use in different kind of services. It is argued that there are some important distinctions between experts, professionals, and consultants. The aims of my paper are to analyze specific ethical problems of business behavior in consultancy, as well to recognize moral issues, which confront consultants, and managerial consultants. Business ethics, social and professional moral responsibility, loyalty, client positioning, and service orientation are discussed in different perspectives. A framework for understanding ethics of consultancy as professional activity, business interaction, and human contact and conduct in different service branches is proposed in this paper.



      Dialogue Journal, vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 18, 2002, Albania, Svishtov, Academy of Economics “D. Tzenov”

      Copyright Стопанска Академия «Д. Ценов»

      Цитирания (Citation/s):
      1. Янева, М. Управленски процес и екипна дейност при управленското консултиране в туризма. В: Юбилеен Пети Годишник на Висше училище по икономика и администрация. Отг. ред. проф. дин Асен Конарев, Пловдив, с.130, 139. - 2008 - в български издания

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