Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Моралното лидерство в кроскултурната бизнес етика
Ключови думи: moral leadership, business ethics, cross-cultural business e

Абстракт: The paper examines moral leadership as a problem in cross-cultural behavioral business ethics. The advantages of theories of social learning in understanding ethical leadership are stressed. Several levels of conceptualization of leadership in cross cultural business ethics are considered. Тhe role of constructs moral grounds and moral domain in the explanation of cultural differences is analyzed. The place of hyper norms as concept from business ethics and rules and tips for ethical leadership in international projects are considered as well. Moral leadership is seen as a kind of mixture of three ingredients (3 in 1): moral person (character), ethical mаnagement, and cultural intelligence.



    Международна научна конференция “Лидерство и организационно развитие”, том -, стр. стр. 746-755, 2016, България, Китен, СУ "Св.Климент Охридски", ISBN 978-954-07-4129-1

    Издателските права се държат от Софийски университет

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Keywords: moral leadership, business ethics, cross-cultural business ethics, cultural differences

    Abstract: The paper examines moral leadership as a problem in cross-cultural behavioral business ethics. The advantages of theories of social learning in understanding ethical leadership are stressed. Several levels of conceptualization of leadership in cross cultural business ethics are considered. Тhe role of constructs moral grounds and moral domain in the explanation of cultural differences is analyzed. The place of hyper norms as concept from business ethics and rules and tips for ethical leadership in international projects are considered as well. Moral leadership is seen as a kind of mixture of three ingredients (3 in 1): moral person (character), ethical mаnagement, and cultural intelligence.



      International Conference LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT. Books of papers., vol. -, pp. 746-755, 2016, Bulgaria, Kiten, Sofia University, ISBN 978-954-07-4129-1

      Copyright Софийски университет

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