Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Облачната култура като нов тип организационна култура
Ключови думи: : metaphors for organizational culture, cloud, cloud culture

Абстракт: This paper presents non-instrumetal, symbolic, and contextual approach to organizational culture. The aim is to examine a new metaphor for understanding organizational culture – cloud culture. It is typical for modern high-tech innovative entrepreneurial startup companies. Some dimensions of macro-social context related to the so called uberization and acceleration of time are considered. Research potential of metaphorical approches to innovative organizational cultures is described. Diffferennt metaphors competing to “cloud culture” are compared based on the scientific literature and blogosphere study. Feachures of cloud culture as well as organizational learning which leads to changes are discussed too. Conclusions have been made regarding some recommendations to managers for successful organizational change. Specific examples of effective communication and cultural change promotion are proposed at the end.



    VIII Международна конференция по е-управление и е-комуникации, том -, стр. стр. 8 стр, 2016, България, Созопол, ТУ-София
    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Keywords: : metaphors for organizational culture, cloud, cloud culture, organizational learning, cultural change

    Abstract: This paper presents non-instrumetal, symbolic, and contextual approach to organizational culture. The aim is to examine a new metaphor for understanding organizational culture – cloud culture. It is typical for modern high-tech innovative entrepreneurial startup companies. Some dimensions of macro-social context related to the so called uberization and acceleration of time are considered. Research potential of metaphorical approches to innovative organizational cultures is described. Diffferennt metaphors competing to “cloud culture” are compared based on the scientific literature and blogosphere study. Feachures of cloud culture as well as organizational learning which leads to changes are discussed too. Conclusions have been made regarding some recommendations to managers for successful organizational change. Specific examples of effective communication and cultural change promotion are proposed at the end.



      -th International Conference E-governance and E-communication, vol. -, pp. 8 стр, 2016, Bulgaria, Sozopol, TU-Sofia

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