Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Анализ на скуката и скуката в работата: културологични, психологически и управленски аспекти.
Ключови думи: boredom, boredom at work, akedia, approaches to boredom, con

Абстракт: This paper is a socio-anthropological reflection on the philosophical, psychological and organizational aspects of boredom and boredom at work. These two phenomenons are insufficiently analyzed in theoretical managerial perspective despite the interest to the experience of boredom from psychology, cultural studies, and sociology. Classical concepts of akedia, melancholia, alienation are related to boredom, but do not address it directly. The cultural history of the word boredom is an important focus in this analysis. Boredom is seen in the context of play and work as well as in the temporal perspective. Boredom is defined as an emotional condition characterized by lacking in stimulation and meaningful work. As a practical case the results of students’ perceptions of boredom are considered.



    Международна научна конференция «Менидмънт и инженеринг'2013, том -, стр. стр. 10 стр., 2013, България, Созопол, ТУ-София
    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Keywords: boredom, boredom at work, akedia, approaches to boredom, contradictions in boredom, boredom and time, existential boredom, boredom and meaningful work

    Abstract: This paper is a socio-anthropological reflection on the philosophical, psychological and organizational aspects of boredom and boredom at work. These two phenomenons are insufficiently analyzed in theoretical managerial perspective despite the interest to the experience of boredom from psychology, cultural studies, and sociology. Classical concepts of akedia, melancholia, alienation are related to boredom, but do not address it directly. The cultural history of the word boredom is an important focus in this analysis. Boredom is seen in the context of play and work as well as in the temporal perspective. Boredom is defined as an emotional condition characterized by lacking in stimulation and meaningful work. As a practical case the results of students’ perceptions of boredom are considered.



      International Conference Management and Engineering, vol. -, pp. 10 стр., 2013, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU-Sofia

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