Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
Title: Development of Responsible Business Practices, Employment Policies and Ethical Conduct. Survey.
Keywords: socially responsible business, codes of ethics, best practic

Abstract: The publication presents the results of the study "Development of responsible business practices, policies regarding employees and ethical behavior", conducted by Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum and KPMG. The aim of the study is to summarize and analyze experience of leading companies operating on the Bulgarian market in their ethical and social Responsive Politics, consistent with all parties involved in the business. Ethical standards, level of integrity and shared values ​​are discussed in business ethics perspective. Consumer opinion, expectations of investors, partners and competitors are summariesed and compared. A study of types of codes of conduct and prevailing ethical policy in Bulgarian companies is proposed.



    Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, vol. -, pp. 48, 2000, Bulgaria, Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, ISBN 954-90395-2-8

    Вид: методическо указание, публикация в реферирано издание