Autors: Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L.
Title: State of the Art of Structures and Main Components of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Keywords: hybrid vehicle, electric vehicle, supercapacitors, DC/DC con

Abstract: The main objective in this paper is to review the most widely used structural schemes of hybrid and electric vehicles and their basics blocks. The various sources of energy are consistently presented - fuel cells, batteries and supercapacitors which are described with their equivalent circuits and models. In the examined electric transport vehicles there are several options for control energy flows and methods for their effective implementation of various types of control impacts. Different configurations for the transmission of energy from the source through electronic converters and engine in startup and breaking mode of the vehicle are described. Comparison between the different types of engines, with applications in electric transport is made. The result is that, it becomes possible to make an optimal choice of the particular structure and its elements according to the use of the vehicle.



    Electrotechnica i Electronica, pp. 2-10, 2016, Bulgaria,

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