Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сотирова, Д. В.
Заглавие: Eмоционалният труд в организациите: ползи и щети
Ключови думи: emotional labor, management of emotions, moral damages of em

Абстракт: Emotional work in organizations: benefits and damages The purpose of this paper is to propose conceptual analysis of emotional work (labor) in the perspective of communications in business organizations. Meanings and terminological differences between labor and work are discussed.Results from teaching and consulting business ethics, organizational culture and organizational ethics are used to define theoretical framework for an interdisciplinary approach to emotional labor. Different forms of emotional labor in the context of impression management are specified. The fact, that control of feelings is done for pay puts a special set of ethical issues on emotional work. Main moral damages of emotional work are considered, in particular – emotional division of labor. Tactics to deal with moral damages are discussed. The role of moral imagination as afactor for ethical behavior in the organization is emphasized.



    Mедии и обществени комуникации, брой 22, стр. стр. 18, 2015, България, София, УНСС Издателски комплекс, ISBN ISSN 1313-9908

    Издателските права се държат от УНСС

    Autors: Sotirova, D. V.
    Title: Emotional work in organizations benefits and damages
    Keywords: emotional labor, management of emotions, moral dameges

    Abstract: Emotional work in organizations: benefits and damages The purpose of this paper is to propose conceptual analysis of emotional work (labor) in the perspective of communications in business organizations. Meanings and terminological differences between labor and work are discussed.Results from teaching and consulting business ethics, organizational culture and organizational ethics are used to define theoretical framework for an interdisciplinary approach to emotional labor. Different forms of emotional labor in the context of impression management are specified. The fact, that control of feelings is done for pay puts a special set of ethical issues on emotional work. Main moral damages of emotional work are considered, in particular – emotional division of labor. Tactics to deal with moral damages are discussed. The role of moral imagination as afactor for ethical behavior in the organization is emphasized.



      Media and public communication, issue 22, pp. 18, 2015, Bulgaria, Sofia, UNSS, ISBN ISSN 1313-9908

      Copyright УНСС

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