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Автори: Найденов, И. Т., Филипов, К. Б. Заглавие: ПОЛУЧАВАНЕ НА МИНОРНИ АКТИНИДИ В РЕАКТОРИ С ВОДА ПОД НАЛЯГАНЕ (II) – ИЗПОЛЗВАНЕ НА СМЕСЕНО U-PU ГОРИВО Ключови думи: Минорни актиниди, ядрени реактори, ядрени горива Абстракт: Minor actinides represent a significant concern when it comes to spent nuclear fuel management. In spite of their low concentrations, they disproportionately contribute to spent fuel’s activity and decay heat. In the current paper an estimation of the minor actinides’ concentrations and isotopic vectors in spent МОХ fuel at discharge is presented. Библиография Издание
Пълен текст на публикацията | Autors: Naydenov, I. T., Filipov, K. B. Title: MINOR ACTINIDES PRODUCTION IN PRESSURISED WATER REACTORS (II) – MOX FUEL USAGE Keywords: Minor actinides, PWR reactors, nuclear fuels Abstract: Minor actinides represent a significant concern when it comes to spent nuclear fuel management. In spite of their low concentrations, they disproportionately contribute to spent fuel’s activity and decay heat. In the current paper an estimation of the minor actinides’ concentrations and isotopic vectors in spent МОХ fuel at discharge is presented. References Issue
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