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Автори: Гигов, Б. И., Моллов Я. Заглавие: Laboratory investigation of the efficiency of a car hydromechanical transmission Ключови думи: Conventional Automatic Transmission, Planetary Gear Box, Tor Абстракт: In the paper is described laboratory setting for the investigation of the efficiency of an automatic hydromechanical transmission of a car as a function of the torque and of the rotation frequency (RPM). The hydraulic and the mechanical sections of the transmission are investigated separately for different gears. Are present conclusions on the influence of various factors onto the efficiency and the ratio of losses in the different sections of the transmission. Библиография
Издателските права се държат от Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Machine Building, Scientific-Technical Union of Machine Building and Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Electrical Engineering Пълен текст на публикацията | Autors: Gigov, B. I., Mollov J. Title: Laboratory investigation of the efficiency of a car hydromechanical transmission Keywords: Conventional Automatic Transmission, Planetary Gear Box, Torgue Converter, Efficiency Abstract: In the paper is described laboratory setting for the investigation of the efficiency of an automatic hydromechanical transmission of a car as a function of the torque and of the rotation frequency (RPM). The hydraulic and the mechanical sections of the transmission are investigated separately for different gears. Are present conclusions on the influence of various factors onto the efficiency and the ratio of losses in the different sections of the transmission. References
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