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Автори: Гигов, Б. И. Заглавие: The Influence of the Geometry of the torque Converters on their Properties Ключови думи: torque converter, blade angles Абстракт: The parameters of a normal torque converter which is utilized in cars and industrial trucks have been investigated in a computer experiment as a function of the input and exit blade angles and reported in the present paper Библиография
Издателските права се държат от trans&MOTAUTO Пълен текст на публикацията | Autors: Gigov, B. I. Title: The Influence of the Geometry of the torque Converters on their Properties Keywords: torque converter, blade angles Abstract: The parameters of a normal torque converter which is utilized in cars and industrial trucks have been investigated in a computer experiment as a function of the input and exit blade angles and reported in the present paper References
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