Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Гигов, Б. И., Димитров, Е. Ц.
Заглавие: Моделиране на пътния разход на гориво на автомобила
Ключови думи: road fuel consumption, internal-combustion engine

Абстракт: On the ground of experimentally data for the fuel consumption of internal combustion engine is prepositional mathematical model for analogous presenting for the fuel consumption for automobile like function of speed of motion load up (exploitation weight and the incidence of the road) and a transmission gear ratio. There are admitting and other more importantly factors (exploitation and constructor's) who make influence to resistance power and the conditions of work to the internal combustion engine


  1. Вонг, Дж., 1982, Теория наземных транспортных средств., Перевод с английского, Москва, Машиностроение
  2. Димитров, Е. Ц., 2003, Влияние на качеството на смесообразуване върху токсичността и икономичността на бензиновия двигател, Ph.D., <ТУ-София>
  3. Иванов, В.Н. и Ерохов, В.И., 1984, Экономия топлива на автомобильном транспорте, Москва, Транспорт


Международната научна конференция по двигатели и автомобили "trans & MOTAUTO '08", том 2, стр. стр. 27 ÷ 31, 2008, България, Созопол, НТС по машиностроене, ISSN 1313-5031

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Gigov, B. I., Dimitrov, E. C.
Title: Streckenverbrauch-Modellierung des Kraftfahrzeugs
Keywords: road fuel consumption, internal-combustion engine

Abstract: On the ground of experimentally data for the fuel consumption of internal combustion engine is prepositional mathematical model for analogous presenting for the fuel consumption for automobile like function of speed of motion load up (exploitation weight and the incidence of the road) and a transmission gear ratio. There are admitting and other more importantly factors (exploitation and constructor's) who make influence to resistance power and the conditions of work to the internal combustion engine


  1. Вонг, Дж., 1982, Теория наземных транспортных средств., Перевод с английского, Москва, Машиностроение
  2. Димитров, Е. Ц., 2003, Влияние на качеството на смесообразуване върху токсичността и икономичността на бензиновия двигател, Ph.D., <ТУ-София>
  3. Иванов, В.Н. и Ерохов, В.И., 1984, Экономия топлива на автомобильном транспорте, Москва, Транспорт


International Scientific Conference for Engines and Cars "trans & MOTAUTO '08", vol. 2, pp. 27 ÷ 31, 2008, Bulgaria, Sozopol, Bulgarian Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1313-5031

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