Autors: Stoyanov, L. S., Notton G., Lazarov, V. D.
Title: Balance of solar and wind energy sources
Keywords: hybrid systems; solar energy; wind energy; renewable energy

Abstract: In a hybrid system, the solar and wind power productions are used together increasing the system reliability. This work shows how solar energy and wind energy can be complementary (or not) using hourly values of wind speed and solar irradiation collected in 13 sites located in Bulgaria and Corsica. The renewable potential of these sites is estimated and their complementarity nature is studied at various time scales. The results show that wind and solar energy do not support always each other and depends largely on the season, on the site and on the time scale.



    Journal Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, issue 1, pp. 65-76, 2015, Albania, ISSN 1311-8668

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