Autors: Bucz,S., Kozakova,A., Vesely.V. Title: MODIFIED ZIEGLER-NICHOLS FREQUENCY-DOMAIN METHOD. FOR SPECIFIED CLOSED-LOOP PERFORMANCE Keywords: performance evaluation, overshoot, settling time, crossover Abstract: Despite of that since the emergence of the first PID controller more than three quarters of a century elapsed auto-tuners of industrial controllers still apply closed tuning methods (e.g. the Ziegler-Nichols method and similar approaches) that do not allow implementing performance requirements in the design algorithm [6]. This paper deals with a new PID controller design method based on integrating requirements on closed-loop performance into the popular frequency-domain Ziegler-Nichols design approach. The developed method provides support to the designer by converting identified ultimate plant parameters into PID controller parameters (K,Ti,Td) using variable weights that depend on expected maximum overshoot ηmax and settling time ts of the closed-loop step response. Obtained tuning rules are presented in the modified Ziegler-Nichols table. References Issue
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