Autors: Tzaneva, B. R., Loukaycheva, M. H., Fachikov L.B. Title: Effect of phosphoric acid concentration on corrosion of Cr–Mn–N and Cr–Ni stainless steels Keywords: Stainless steel, Nitrogen, Phosphoric acid, Polarisation, XP Abstract: Phosphoric acid concentration (5–85%) effects on the corrosion behaviour of austenitic Fe–18Cr–12Mn–N steel have been studied by potentiodynamic polarisation measurements. After the anodic polarisation, both the film composition and the electronic structure have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The specimen surface examinations have been carried out by scanning electron microscopy. The results of the corrosion behaviour of the steel at issue have been compared to those relevant to two trademark materials [austenitic stainless steels AISI 304 (Fe–18Cr–9Ni) and X14AC15 (Fe–14Cr–15Mn–N)] and developed under the same test conditions. References Issue
Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. (1) Ben Salah, M., Sabot, R., Refait, P., Liascukiene, I., Méthivier, C., Landoulsi, J., Dhouibi, L., Jeannin, M., Passivation behaviour of stainless steel (UNS N-08028) in industrial or simplified phosphoric acid solutions at different temperatures, Corrosion Science, volume 99, issue , year 2015, pp. 320 – 332 - 2015 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
2. (2) I. Liascukiene, M. Ben Salah, R. Sabot, Ph. Refait, L. Dhouibid, C. Méthiviera, J. Landoulsia, M. Jeannin, Deciphering the role and nature of phospha,te species at the surface of stainless steel immersed in phosphoric acid solutions, Applied Surface Science 434 (2018) 561–572 - 2018 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
3. Al-Moubaraki, A.H., Chaouiki, A., Alahmari, J.M., Al-hammadi, W.A., Noor, E.A., Al-Ghamdi, A.A. & Ko, Y.G. 2022, "Development of Natural Plant Extracts as Sustainable Inhibitors for Efficient Protection of Mild Steel: Experimental and First-Principles Multi-Level Computational Methods", Materials (Basel). 2022 Dec 6;15(23):8688. doi: 10.3390/ma15238688. - 2022 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
4. Jiang J., Chen H., Li Q., Xia X., Ma J., Wang L., Luo P., Reduction and immobilization of Cr(VI)-contaminated soil using FeSO4 combined with (NH4)2HPO4: The remediation efficiency, mechanisms, and long-term stability, (2024) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12 (5), art. no. 113368, DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2024.113368 - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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