Autors: Angelov, G. V., Antonova, J, O., Gadjeva, D, E. Title: PARAMETER EXTRACTION METHODOLOGY FOR A SIMPLIFIED RF NMOSFET EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Keywords: Cadence PSpice, simplified NMOSFET model, circuit simulation Abstract: In this paper, a parameter extraction methodology is proposed for the simplified smallsignal NMOSFET equivalent circuit utilizing Cadence PSpice circuit simulator. A direct extraction procedure is realized based on the two-port Y-parameters. Using postprocessing in the graphical analyzer Probe utilizing corresponding macrodefinitions, a Y- to S- parameter conversion is performed of the simulated results. The magnitude values of the measured Sparameters are introduced in the behavioral model using frequency-dependent elements of EFREQ type. Verification of the extraction methodology is mad References
Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. T. D. Malakar, P. Bhattacharyya, S. K. Sarkar, “Analytical Surface Potential Modelling-Based Small Signal Analysis and RF Performance Characterization of DMG SOI MOSFET for Better RFIC Application”, IETE Technical Review, Vol. 35, Iss. 3, pp. 282-291 (2017). DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2017.1283252. URL - 2017 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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