Autors: Ivanova, M. S., Trifonova, I. V. Title: Evaluation of Contemporary eAssessment Platforms: Functional Requirements and Technological Approaches Keywords: Assessment Platforms; Functional Requirements Abstract: Assessment is an extremely important process in an education, which is used as a measure of the acquired knowledge and skills of the learners. In the modern world, a number of technological tools and platforms have been developed to support activities related to eAssessment performed by the learner and teacher. The purpose of the paper is to present research conducted on contemporary approaches for assessment, technological specificity, advantages and disadvantages. For this purpose, a study of the scientific production in the field is performed, and the achievements are summarized and discussed. A criteria set is created for drawing the requirements for future building of a technological solution of an assessment platform. Particular attention is paid to security and protection of personal data,c collected and transferred during the assessment process. References Issue
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