Autors: Stoev, P. I., Matanov, N. S., Nankinsky, P. N.
Title: Application of micro and mini photovoltaic systems in the household
Keywords: distributed generation, PV microinvertors

Abstract: In this paper, the feasibility of micro and mini photovoltaic systems in domestic applications has been investigated. Specifically in the Republic of Bulgaria, they are not developed in their potential for electricity supply and energy efficiency. So far, the main investments have been focused on large (megawatt) plants. From this point of view, photovoltaic plants (PV) with small power can increase the share of energy from renewable sources without large investments in the transmission networks. The energy produced by such systems is protected from external factors that affect the prices of other energy carriers, and it has the potential to be the cheapest energy produced and consumed directly on site. Microinverters, as a modular solution, provide exceptional flexibility to the systems and at the same time allow the use of different types of means to store the energy produced without seeking full redundancy. This solution reduces the amount of the initial investment, but on the other hand increases the energy efficiency of private homes.


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2024 16th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference, BulEF 2024, pp. 10-15, 2025, Bulgaria,

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