Autors: Marinova, G. I., Chowdhury, Fahmida N., Bhattacharya, Basabdatta Sen., Cho, Hye-Kung., Faragasso, Angela., Gebeshuber, Ille C., Ciuperca, Ella Magdalena., Doyle-Kent, Mary.
Title: Women in STEM: Snapshots from a Few Asian Countries
Keywords: Diversity in the workplace; Gender gap; Socio-economic;

Abstract: Globally, we face several grand challenges that require multi-disciplinary, cross-boundary approaches for successful solutions and their implementations. Engineers and scientists play a large role in helping solve these complex problems. It is now widely accepted that an inclusive and diverse workplace inherently attracts top talent which is needed to solve the complex challenges that we face. In this context, note that although women make up almost 50% of the global population, they are greatly under-represented in engineering and many scientific disciplines. This under-representation is pervasive, with only a handftil of exceptions. In this paper we focus on a few Asian countries presenting historical information regarding the first women's entry into the engineering profession, the current situation, and trends that can be observed from available data. The data and associated contexts show that progress in women's participation in science and engineering is linked to fast-paced eco



    TECIS, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 55, issue 39, pp. 204-209, 2022, Kosovo,, ISSN 24058963 DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.12.055

    Copyright IFAC

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