Autors: Tzvetan Ostromsky., Silvi-Maria Gurova., Lazarova, M. D.
Title: Sensitivity Analysis in Air Pollution Modeling Supported by High Performance Supercomputers
Keywords: air polution modeling, system of PDE, sensitivity analysis

Abstract: Environmental modeling (and air pollution modeling in particular) is one of the toughest problems of computational mathematics. All relevant physical, chemical, and photochemical processes in the atmosphere should be taken into account. These are mathematically represented by a complex system of partial differential equations (PDE). To simplify the original PDE system proper splitting procedure is applied. As a result, the initial system is replaced by several simpler submodels, connected with the main physical and chemical processes. Even in the case of a local study of the environment in a relatively small area, the model should be calculated in a large spatial domain, because the pollutants can be moved quickly over long distances, driven by the atmosphere dynamics, especially at high altitudes. One major source of difficulty is the high intensity of the atmospheric processes, which require a small time step to be used to get a stable numerical solution (at least in



    FedCSIS, vol. 41, pp. 125-130, 2024, Poland, Polish Information Processing Society, DOI 10.15439/2024F2586

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