Autors: Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Zlatev, B. N.
Title: Exploration of the advantages and an algorithm for the implementation of the digital twin concept
Keywords: Digital Twins, CAE, IoT, Industry 4.0

Abstract: The paper presents a research into the concept of digital twins based on a virtual prototype and the advantages it has. Also presented are the inner workings of the digital twin method and the possible algorithms for implementing it in the manufacturing workflow. Additionally, software products that take care of that process by guiding the user and helping them to implement the vast quantities of data and the sensor data acquisition the needed components from the Internet of Things methodology.


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29th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM METROLOGY AND METROLOGY ASSURANCE, pp. 128-131, 2019, Bulgaria, Prepress & Print Amadeus Ltd., ISBN ISSN 2603-3194

Copyright XXIX ISS "MMA 2019"

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