Autors: Stoykova, S. G., Shakev, N. G.
Title: Generative AI-Driven Personnel Training in Industrial Robotics through Intelligent HXM
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ERP, GPT, HXM, LLM, SAP

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present a developed solution for integrating an AI digital assistant as a service on one of the most widely used ERP platforms - SAP. The digital assistant is based on a popular large language model GPT-2 and has been trained locally on manuals and technical documentation for a Mitsubishi industrial robot as well as a command database for the programming language MELFA Basic V. The main task of the digital assistant is to contribute to the workforce on-boarding and training processes as a human experience management tool. The developed digital assistant service is made freely available via web-browser access to students in its testing stage.


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International Conference Automatics and Informatics, ICAI 2024 - Proceedings, pp. 228-232, 2024, ,

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