Autors: Dahterova, D. S., Nikolova, I. D.
Title: Optimal geometrical synthesis of cylindrical gear transmissions
Keywords: cylindrical gears, distribution, electromechanical modules, optimal synthesis, total transmission ratio

Abstract: In the present study, an approach for optimal geometrical synthesis of electromechanical modules with multistage cylindrical gear reducers, is presented. The multivariate nature of the task for selecting electrical motor predetermines different values for the total transmission ratio, which can be realized by different variants for kinematics schemes of the gear reducer. The dimensions of the kinematics schemes are approximately defined. Thus, during the stage of geometrical synthesis conclusions can be made which schemes are unacceptable and to specify the best kinematics structures based on optimization analysis.


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International Conference Automatics and Informatics, ICAI 2024 - Proceedings, pp. 76-81, 2024, Bulgaria,

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