Autors: Madamlieva, E. B., Konstantinov M. Title: On the Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Neutral-Type Caputo Fractional Differential Equations with Iterated Delays: Hyers–Ulam–Mittag–Leffler Stability Keywords: Caputo-type fractional derivative, Hyers–Ulam–Mittag–Leffler stability, iterated delayAbstract: This study investigates nonlinear Caputo-type fractional differential equations with iterated delays, focusing on the neutral type. Initially formulated by D. Bainov and the second author of the current paper between 1972 and 1978, these superneutral equations have been extensively studied in scholarly inquiry. The present research seeks to reinvigorate interest in such delays within sophisticated frameworks of differential equations, particularly those involving fractional calculus. The primary objectives are to thoroughly examine neutral-type fractional differential equations with iterated delays and provide novel insights into their existence and uniqueness by applying Bielecki’s and Chebyshev’s norms for solution constraints analysis. Additionally, this work establishes Hyers–Ulam–Mittag–Leffler stability for these equations. References - Kilbas A.A. Srivastava H.M. Trujillo J.J. Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations Elsevier Science BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2006
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| Mathematics, vol. 13, 2025, Switzerland, |