Autors: Terziev, A. K., Ivanov, M. P., Vassilev, M. P., Stankov, B. N. Title: Technical and economic analysis of a specific spruce wood material drying process Keywords: Abstract: The presented work reveals the technical and economic analysis of a spruce wood material drying process, for a specific installation.The analysis is made of the drying process of spruce timber, where the amount of initial moisture content is 60% and the equilibrium moisture content is 12%.The baseline technological process is considered for the existing installation with a wood burning boiler, used for heat supply source.Three different heat source options were further suggested and analysed, for the wood drying process optimization: implementation of natural gas boiler, electric boiler and high temperature heat pump installation.The calculations for each of them were performed at a heat output of 100 kW and a drying temperature regime of 90/75°C.The results show that only the annual energy costs of the option with a heat pump system are lower than the base case, with the cash savings amounting to USD 4,884/year, payback period of 9.47 years and 99.93 t/year CO2 emissions.The specific energy consumption in this optimal suggested case is 0.139 kWh/kg. References - C.Ajike, S.O.Enibe, U.C.Okonkwo, J.L.Chukwuneke, Process modeling and simulation of Gmelina arborea (GmW) and Mansonia altissima (MaW) wood drying, Heliyon 10 (2024) e24064,
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| E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 608, 2025, , |