Autors: Yordanova, S. T., Stoitseva-Delicheva, D. R.
Title: Prospects of Intelligent Techniques for Energy Efficient Control of Drying Process
Keywords: drying process, energy efficient control, fuzzy logic control, real time control experiments, simulations

Abstract: Drying is one of the widely spread in industry great energy consuming processes. The plant is inertial, nonlinear and with model uncertainties. To reduce the energy required special methods are developed for its control. In the present research a Sugeno model-free PI fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are designed for the control of the internal temperature of a laboratory dryer for fruits. Besides tackling with the plant nonlinearity and the lack of a plant model the FLC ensures system stability, good performance and energy safety. System simulations prove that the FLC systems outperform other energy efficient control systems designed using classical open loop approaches or a linear plant model.


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International Conference Automatics and Informatics, ICAI 2024 - Proceedings, pp. 205-211, 2024, Albania,

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