Autors: Rizanov, S. M., Yakimov, P. I., Nikolov, D. N., Boydens J.
Title: An Embedded Cellular Automata Algorithm for Infrared Object Detection
Keywords: algorithm, cellular automata, embedded system, infrared, object detection and tracking

Abstract: This work proposes and presents a cellular automata algorithm for infrared object detection and tracking. The algorithm's application is aimed towards computationally limited edge computing sensory modules. Performed is a statistical evaluation of the algorithm's noise resilience through a 3D histogram method. Proposed is a methodology for the optimal choice of the algorithm's fine-tuning parameter values. The performance influence of applying low-pass Kernel filtering was evaluated and developed was a majority voting-based concurrent object mask-generating algorithm.


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2024 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, Albania,

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