Autors: Zhilevski, M. M., Kolibanekova V., Mikhov, M. R., Yordanov, N. I. Title: Study of Processing Modes in CNC Machining Centers Keywords: coordination algorithm, machine tools, machining center, mechanical processes, simulationAbstract: This paper examines the coordination of mechanical operations in machining centers with computer numerical control. An algorithm for processing modes coordinating is proposed, which takes into account the specific features of the technological process, the type of processed material, the parameters of the tools used, and other factors. The aim of the study is to optimally combine the processing modes and the tools applied. Using specialized software, simulation models of the processed workpieces have been developed. The necessary codes have been formed and the resulting control programs have been input into the respective machines for execution. Actual examples are presented illustrating the practical implementation of the offered approach. The research carried out and the results obtained can be used in the practical application of the considered machine tools. References - M. Lynch, Machining Center Programming, Setup, and Operation: A Guide to Mastering the Use of CNC Machining Centers, CNC Concepts, Inc., 2013, ISBN 978-149-272-050-8.
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| ISMSIT 2024 - 8th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, Proceedings, 2024, , |