Autors: Mikhov, M. R., Zhilevski, M. M.
Title: A Possibility for Positional Step Control of Electric Drives with Wound Rotor Induction Motors
Keywords: accurate positioning, power stepper drives, step control, wound rotor induction motors

Abstract: This paper presents a possibility for control of three-phase induction motors with wound rotor in step mode of operation. In the drive structure used, such a mode is implemented by sequential switching of the motor rotor windings by pairs. The two of the stator windings are included to the supply network and the third one is short-circuited to damp the oscillations. With the electric driving system presented, greater motor torque is provided, which cannot be achieved with a typical stepper motor drive. The described control system is relatively simple to implement. It provides a fixation regime when the relevant rotor windings remain switched on and a step mode of operation when the clock pulses arrive from the control device. This approach ensures easy position control with one step accuracy. The research conducted and the obtained results can be applied in positional electric drive systems with such type of induction motors.


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8th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Smart Technologies, ISAS 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, Turkey,

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