Autors: Simeonov S., Zhilevski, M. M., Mikhov, M. R. Title: Development and Practical Application of a Small Laser Engraving Machine Keywords: laser engraving machine, microstepping mode of operation, stepping motor drive, two-coordinate controlAbstract: This paper is about the development and practical implementation of a low-cost small laser engraving machine. Based on formulated requirements the main device components are presented. Models of the individual elements and the whole machine are developed using а specialized software. Hybrid stepping motors are selected to drive the coordinate axes, which work in microstepping mode of operation. A suitably selected controller is used to control the machine. The practical implementation is illustrated with pictures of the developed laser engraving machine and a processed workpiece. The research carried out and the results obtained can be used in the development and using of such type of laser engraving devices. References - G. Martinov, A. Obuhov, L. Martinova, A. Grigoriev, An approach to Building a Specialized CNC System for Laser Engraving Machining, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 41, pp. 998-1003, 2016, DOI: 10. 1016/j. procir. 2015. 08. 103.
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| International Conference Automatics and Informatics, ICAI 2024 - Proceedings, pp. 563-568, 2024, Bulgaria, |