Autors: Matanov, N. S., Angelov, I. K., Stoev, P. I. Title: A study of load unbalance on low voltage grid Keywords: distribution networks, low voltage, phase unbalance, power quality, voltage unbalance, voltage variationAbstract: In the distribution networks of low voltage providing the electricity supply to household consumers of electricity, the unbalance loading of the different phases is widespread. The unbalance mode of the loads is one of the reasons for the appearance of asymmetry in the supply voltages, which in turn leads to the deterioration of some of the quality indicators of the electrical energy supplied to domestic consumers. Therefore, the subject of research in this report is how the unbalance of the phase currents and the parameters of the low-voltage distribution network affect the voltage quality. A specific overhead distribution network in a small settlement is considered, for which there are measurements of the supply voltage. A model of the network was developed in Matlab/Simulink and simulations were made for different modes of operation of the electrical loads and for different parameters of the network. Conclusions were made regarding the main reasons for the deterioration of the quality of electricity supply and the ways to improve it in the distribution networks of low voltage supplying household loads. References - Monfared M., A. M. Daryani and M. Abedi, "Three Phase Asymmetrical Load Flow for Four-Wire Distribution Networks," 2006 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2006, pp. 1899-1903, doi: 10.1109/PSCE.2006.296203.
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