Autors: Lazarov, V. D., Daniel Roye., Zarkov, Z. J., Dimitar Spirov.
Title: Analysis of DC converters for wind generators
Keywords: Boost converter; Renewable energy; Wind generator

Abstract: The present paper investigates the system behavior of a rectifier and a DC-boost converter used in a wind generator with variable speed. In many cases a combination of diode rectifier and a DC boost converter is used as interface between the generator and the inverter in order to match the requirements for the DC bus voltage. Different models of the converters have been developed in Malab/Simulink and PSPICE environments. Comparison between the simulations and experiments is shown. The power losses are also discussed.


  1. Brown, M., 2008, Power Sources and Supplies: World Class Designs, London, Newnes
  2. Schaeffer, C., Catellani, S., Dimitrov, D., Lazarov, V., Zarkov, Z., 1999, Low voltage three phase inverter using IGBT, Bulgaria, 1999, <Varna>,


XVIth International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2009, 2009, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-954323560-5

Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. Hinov, N., Vakovsky, D. Information Models of Power Electronic Converters. 9th National Conference with International Participation, ELECTRONICA 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ELECTRONICA.2018.8439355 - 2018 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
2. Hinov, N., Hranov, T. Evaluation and verification of LLC operating regimes. 2018 20th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/SIELA.2018.8447094 - 2018 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
3. Kahouli O., Elloumi M., Naifar O., Makhlouf A.B., Bouteraa Y., Elgharbi S. Enhanced general conformable controller based on Lyapunov technique for DC-DC static converters: Application to a solar system. AIMS Mathematics, 9 (5), 2024, pp. 10698 - 10716, DOI: 10.3934/math.2024522 - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

Вид: публикация в международен форум, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Scopus