Autors: Deneva, M. A.
Title: Technical Safety
Keywords: microclimate,electrical&laser safety, emfields,lightning,etc

Abstract: The Technical Safety textbook covers a wide range of issues related to the exposition of the basic requirements, methods and means of ensuring occupational safety in the conditions of modern technological processes in industry, office and household. It provides the basic conceptual apparatus of technical safety; the basic requirements for safety in various working conditions and the basic methods and means of ensuring safety at work. Covers topics related to the microclimate in the working environment, ergonomics in the workplace, electrical safety when working with electrical devices and equipment, assessment of the risk of electric shock in different modes, including short circuits; effects and processes related to the flow of electric current in the earth; electromagnetic fields of different frequencies - assessment, influence, protection; lightning protection of buildings and equipment; noise and vibration in the workplace; laser safety.



    , pp. 141, 2024, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-619-167-568-5

    Вид: учебник на чужд език