Autors: Georgieva, B. G.
Title: Creativity andf Design
Keywords: creativity, design, heuristics, mind map, design education

Abstract: This paper presents the symbiosis between creativity and design. It indicates the role of heuristics as a science of solving or helping to solve problems that are incompletely or vaguely defined. Some techniques which are used in developing non-standard thinking and embracing complex problems in their entirety, are mentioned. Emphasis is placed on radiant thinking and its main tool – the mind map, as well as on design thinking. Examples are given with tasks that are set in the ‘Creative Methods in Design’ Discipline, which is studied in the third year of the ‘Engineering Design’ Speciality at the Technical University-Sofia. The task associated with the mind map is presented and examples of well-performed tasks are given. It describes the essence of the exam in the discipline and its theoretical setting. Examples from the performance of the exam are presented. A brief analysis of the obtained results is made.


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Technologies and techniques to support sustainable education in the academic sphere, pp. 192-203, 2024, Bulgaria, Sofia, EUt+ Academic Press, Technical University of Sofia Publishing House, ISBN ISSN 2815-5254

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