Autors: Komarski, D. P.
Title: Study of the Axial Stiffness of Micro-Positioning Elastic Module with 'Butterfly' Flexures
Keywords: deformation, elastic guides, measurement, positioning, precision engineering, rotation, spatial orientation, Stiffness

Abstract: Spatial orientation of different elements in the field of micro- and nano-technology with very high accuracy requirements is very demanding in high precision engineering. Specifically, an angular orientation with elastic monolithic flexures is one of the preferred in such a case, especially where high accuracy and minimal deviation of the axis of rotation or low to no maintenance and operation in adverse/contaminated environment are required. This is related to the fact that the module is monolithic, which practically means that there are no assembled elements and there is no friction between the various components of the system. As different axial and radial forces can have negative impact on the elastic systems, this paper presents the results of the experimental study of the axial stiffness of the developed micro-positioning elastic module with 'butterfly' flexures.


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34th International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance 2024, MMA 2024, pp. 1-4, 2024, ,

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