Autors: Dimitrova, A. A., Draganova-Zlateva, I. D., Stefanov, S. B.
Title: Influence of Technological Processes on the Electrical Properties of Electrical Engineering Materials
Keywords: alloys, aluminum, copper, crystal lattic, electrical conductivity, electrical engineering materials, mechanical properties, technological processes

Abstract: Copper, aluminum, brass, and certain alloys (Copper–Aluminum, Copper–Zinc, Aluminum–Magnesium–Silicon, etc.) have found widespread application in electrical engineering. Copper and aluminum are characterized by good thermal and electrical conductivity, high plasticity, and low strength. To enhance their strength characteristics, they are typically subjected to cold plastic deformation. This process strengthens them; however, the deformation of their crystal lattices leads to a deterioration in their electrical conductivity. The negative effect of cold plastic deformation is significantly more pronounced in alloys. One of the methods to enhance the properties of aluminum and its alloys is by introducing neutral, refractory particles with nano- and microscale dimensions, such as Al2O3, TiB2, and SiC, into their structure, followed by subsequent plastic deformation processes. The continuous pursuit of enhancing the mechanical properties of metals and alloys used in electrical engineering without compromising their electrical conductivity is a focus of research for scientists worldwide.


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2024 16th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference, BulEF 2024, 2024, Bulgaria,

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