Autors: Mateev, V. M., Sinico M., Gorji Ghalamestani S., Van Hooreweder B. Title: Magnetic properties of as-built and heat treated M789 and M300 maraging steels produced via laser powder bed fusion Keywords: Additive manufacturing, High-speed rotors, Laser powder bed fusion, M789, Magnetic properties, Maraging steelAbstract: Magnetic material properties, including magnetization curve, magnetic hysteresis, and loss, are systematically examined for both grades. The effect of a solution annealing plus aging heat treatment is explored to determine how these properties differ between the as-built and heat-treated conditions. The findings illustrate a substantial improvement in magnetic properties post-heat treatment. Specifically, an increase in maximum magnetic permeability by 73 % for M789 and 56 % for M300 is measured. Additionally, reductions in hysteresis loss were observed, with a decrease of 29 % for M300 and 35 % for M789. The knowledge of these properties will be crucial for applying additive manufacturing on high-speed rotors, magnetic gears or magnetic bearings components where maraging steels are already, sometimes, utilized. References - Rodriguez-Vargas, B.R., Stornelli, G., Folgarait, P., Ridolfi, M.R., Miranda Pérez, A.F., Di Schino, A., Recent advances in additive manufacturing of soft magnetic materials: a review. Materials, 16, 2023, 5610, 10.3390/ma16165610.
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