Autors: Dichev D., Zhelezarov I., Georgiev B., Pulov D., Kovachev H., Malakov, I. K., Kupriyanov O., Dicheva R.
Title: Analysis of Errors in Roll and Pitch Measurements for Moving Objects
Keywords: accuracy of measurement, dynamic errors, Kalman filter, methods for measuring angular orientation

Abstract: This paper examines the challenges associated with the accuracy of angular orientation measurements of moving objects under dynamic conditions. These measurements are critical to the safety and operational efficiency of mobile objects such as ships, aircraft, drones and autonomous vehicles. Sources of error range from the motions of the objects themselves and vibrations to internal noises and changes in the environment. The paper proposes an error minimization method through the integration of mechanical pendulums, electronic sensors, and adaptive data processing algorithms, including the Kalman filter. The presented method is based on a detailed analysis of accuracy in a dynamic environment and offers innovative approaches to increase the reliability of measurements. These improvements have the potential for widespread application in a variety of industries, increasing the safety and efficiency of moving objects.


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34th International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance 2024, MMA 2024, 2024, ,

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