Autors: Petrov, P. P., Rangelov, A. S., Tzvetkova, S. G., Bojchev, B. B.
Title: Optimizing operating expenses for critical sites in remote desert areas
Keywords: maintenance, operating expenses, PV-based off-grid power supply systems

Abstract: The main topic in this paper is description of the problematic operation and power supply of critical infrastructure in remote desert regions – oil and gas pumping sites, critical communication infrastructures, etc. Replacing the commonly used diesel generators, in such unfriendly environmental conditions, with PV-based off-grid power supply systems leads to multiple issue resolutions and significant operating expense (OPEX) optimization. Effective ways of maintenance and operation have significant positive budgetary impact for the largest companies in the world. The theoretical and practical examples, given in the paper, show the importance of using PV-based off-grid systems or the so-called green energy in the Oil and Gas Industry. Each deployment lowers the need of regular maintenance, that means less workhours on the field. Less time spent on the field by the operation personnel reduces the risk of incidents and unforeseen damage cost.


  3. Investing in growth Innovating for sustainability Aramco, Sustainability Report 2023 pp 4-5.


2024 16th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference, BulEF 2024, 2024, ,

Copyright IEEE

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