Autors: Chervenkov, A. G.
Title: An optimal shape of a loop, moving in a magnetic field with a non-sinusoidal structure, ensuring maximum emf
Keywords: optimization, magnetic field, 4D electromagnetic potential,

Abstract: A method for determination of the optimal shape of a loop, moving in a magnetic field with a periodic non-sinusoidal structure, is presented. The optimum criterion is the maximum of the induced electromotive force (EMF). The equivalent loop shape is computed by an iterative solution of an isoperimetric variation problem. The necessary conditions for an extremum are introduced by four-dimensional (4D) electromagnetic potentials. Magnetic fields with different non-sinusoidal structure are investigated.


  1. Chervenkov A.G., Chervenkova T.V., 1999, Optimal shape of magnetic loop, moving in a field with non-sinusoidal structure at maximum enclosed flux, Electrotechnika i Electronika, Volume 35, No 1-2, pp. 3-5
  2. Papazov S.P., 1986, Optimal configuration of magnetic loops, moving in a field of periodic structure at maximum induced EMF, Izvestija na VMEI Sofia, Volume 41, No7, pp. 55-64
  3. Papazow S. und H.Zibranski, 1982, Optimale weshselwirkung von electromagnetisch gekoppelten, sish bewegenden Leiterschleifen, Arhiv fur Elektrotechnik, Volume 64, pp. 267-273
  4. Chervenkova T, 2000, An analysis of the electromagnetic field in double-polar linear induction system, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism JAE, Volume Special Issue June 2000, pp. 17-24
  5. Stratton J.A, 1950, Electromagnetic theory, 1941, NewYork, McGraw-Hill
  6. Papazov S.P. and Stancheva R.D., 1986, Electromagnetic effects excited by magnetic loops, Arhiv fur Elektrotechnik, Volume 69, pp. 247-253


Journal of Applied Electromagnetism JAE, vol. 3, issue 3, pp. 1-10, 2000, Greece, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems Athens, ISSN 1109-1606

Full text of the publication

Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. A. G. Chervenkov, "Using of Four-Dimensional Electromagnetic Potentials in Cases of Movement. : Part I: Basic definitions," 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), Ruse, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/EEAE60309.2024.10600594. - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
2. Chervenkova T., Определяне векторите на електромагнитното поле при движение на проводяща среда в еднородно магнитно поле използвайки четиримерни потенциали, Известия на Съюз на учените – Сливен, том 6, 2004, c. 37-41, ISSN 1311-2864 - 2004 - в български издания
3. Chervenkova T, 2000, An analysis of the electromagnetic field in double-polar linear induction system, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism JAE, Volume Special Issue June 2000, pp. 17-24 - 2000 - от чужди автори в чужди издания, неиндексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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