Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Комарски, Д. П. Заглавие: Влияние на технологичните неточности върху характеристиките на гониометричен модул Ключови думи: Rotation, accuracy, flexure, elasticity, goniometer Абстракт: Orientation of different elements in the field of micro- and nano-technology with very high accuracy requirements is very demanding in high precision engineering. Specifically, an angular orientation in precision
engineering finds application in different field, including optics, micro- and nanotechnology, semiconductor
production where high accuracy and minimal deviation of the axis of rotation is required. As a solution to meet
these requirements is the developed goniometric monolithic compliant module with elastic guides. During the
production or assembly of such a module with multiple elastic guides, different error could occur that could
have impact of the accuracy characteristic. Subject of this paper is a study of the impact of the manufacturing
process on the operational characteristic of the developed module. Библиография Издание
| Autors: Комарски, D. P. Title: Impact of the technological errors on the characteristics of goniometric elastic module Keywords: Rotation, accuracy, flexure, elasticity, goniometer Abstract: Orientation of different elements in the field of micro- and nano-technology with very high accuracy requirements is very demanding in high precision engineering. Specifically, an angular orientation in precision engineering finds application in different field, including optics, micro- and nanotechnology, semiconductor production where high accuracy and minimal deviation of the axis of rotation is required. As a solution to meet these requirements is the developed goniometric monolithic compliant module with elastic guides. During the production or assembly of such a module with multiple elastic guides, different error could occur that could have impact of the accuracy characteristic. Subject of this paper is a study of the impact of the manufacturing process on the operational characteristic of the developed module. References Issue
Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в национален референтен списък