Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Комарски, Д. П.
Заглавие: Влияние на технологичните неточности върху характеристиките на гониометричен модул
Ключови думи: Rotation, accuracy, flexure, elasticity, goniometer

Абстракт: Orientation of different elements in the field of micro- and nano-technology with very high accuracy requirements is very demanding in high precision engineering. Specifically, an angular orientation in precision engineering finds application in different field, including optics, micro- and nanotechnology, semiconductor production where high accuracy and minimal deviation of the axis of rotation is required. As a solution to meet these requirements is the developed goniometric monolithic compliant module with elastic guides. During the production or assembly of such a module with multiple elastic guides, different error could occur that could have impact of the accuracy characteristic. Subject of this paper is a study of the impact of the manufacturing process on the operational characteristic of the developed module.



    International Scientific Conference UNITECH`2024, том 1, брой 1, стр. стр. 286, 2024, България, Gabrovo, UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING HOUSE “VASIL APRILOV” – GABROVO, ISSN 1313-230X
    Autors: Комарски, D. P.
    Title: Impact of the technological errors on the characteristics of goniometric elastic module
    Keywords: Rotation, accuracy, flexure, elasticity, goniometer

    Abstract: Orientation of different elements in the field of micro- and nano-technology with very high accuracy requirements is very demanding in high precision engineering. Specifically, an angular orientation in precision engineering finds application in different field, including optics, micro- and nanotechnology, semiconductor production where high accuracy and minimal deviation of the axis of rotation is required. As a solution to meet these requirements is the developed goniometric monolithic compliant module with elastic guides. During the production or assembly of such a module with multiple elastic guides, different error could occur that could have impact of the accuracy characteristic. Subject of this paper is a study of the impact of the manufacturing process on the operational characteristic of the developed module.



      1, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 286, 2024, Bulgaria, Gabrovo, UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING HOUSE “VASIL APRILOV” – GABROVO, ISSN 1313-230X

      Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в национален референтен списък