Autors: Zlateva P., Terziev, A. K., Murzova M.
Title: Analysis of the Bulgarian Heating Fuel Market, with Focus on Hydrogen Use
Keywords: consumer preferences, heating, hydrogen, marketing survey, traditional fuels

Abstract: The aim of the following study is to analyze the preferences of Bulgarian households regarding different types of heating fuels, their awareness of alternative energy sources such as hydrogen, as well as their satisfaction with their current fuel choice. The survey covers 150 respondents from various regions to ensure data representativeness and to explore attitudes in the context of rising energy costs and environmental challenges. The main findings show that firewood and pellets are the most preferred fuels (21% positive ratings), followed by electric heating (20%) and natural gas (19%). Coal is the least preferred (13%) due to environmental restrictions. The study also finds that 86% of households with monthly costs between 100 and 300 BGN (1.96 BGN = 1 EUR) are willing to switch to more environmentally friendly solutions, while those with lower expenses face financial difficulties in making such a transition. Awareness of alternative fuels, such as hydrogen, is high (83%), yet 60% of the informed respondents report increased heating costs, highlighting the need for more cost-effective alternatives. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of information campaigns and educational initiatives to encourage the transition to sustainable energy sources, while also showing that economic barriers and mistrust remain significant obstacles to the introduction of new technologies.


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