Autors: Komarski, D. P. Title: Effect of the position of the applying force on the elastic compliant mechanism's transfer curve Keywords: goniometer, elasticity, measurement, orientation, flexures Abstract: Precision rotary positioning systems are used for orientation of different objects at a certain angle around its axis of rotation with high accuracy. Goniometric positioning systems as a part of the rotary systems provide high precision angular positioning but the axis of rotation is outside the working area, most commonly above the working platform. These systems are used in a wide variety of applications, including optics, microscopy, semiconductor manufacturing, aerospace. As these applications need high accuracy positioning systems in the field of micro- and nanotechnology, a Goniometric positioning system with elastic guides was developed. One of the main characteristics of such a system is the behavior of its transfer curve or how linear/predictable it is in a different use case. Subject of this paper is a study of the effect of the position of the applying force over the transfer curve nature based on the Finite element analysis. References Issue
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