Autors: Shakev, N. G., Topalov, A. V., Ahmed, S. A., Shiev K. B.
Title: Distributed Control of Robotized Nodes in a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network
Keywords: wireless sensor networks, mobile robots

Abstract: Over the past decade, wireless sensor networks (WSN) have provoked the interest of specialists from different areas by imposing a large number of theoretical and practical challenges related to their implementation. The inclusion of mobile robots into the WSN structure is a recently observed trend. Robots can provide flexibility with respect to the installation of the network sensors and allow active information gathering. If necessary, robots can perform desired or based on real-time observations interaction with the environment. The present paper describes a work-in-progress aiming to build laboratory prototype of a robotized hybrid WSN. The latter can be used for various distributed control experiments over the network structure and its efficiency and will help to propose solutions that would unlock the full potential of hybrid wireless sensor networks with integrated mobile nodes. The goal is to transform the network into an adaptive sensor system with intelligent behavior. Roboti



    16th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability TECIS 2015, vol. 48, issue 24, pp. 144-149, 2015, Bulgaria, IFAC-PapersOnLine,

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