Autors: Stoilova, S. D., Pulevski I.
Title: An Integrated Two-Step Optimization Model and Aggregative Multi-Criteria Approach for Establishing Sustainable Tram Transportation Plan
Keywords: aggregation, MCDM, optimization, PROMETHEE, Shannon entropy, SIMUS, sustainable transportation plan, TOPSIS, tram, urban transportation

Abstract: The choice of the most appropriate sustainable scheme for the organization of tram transportation in cities is of great importance for tram operators, for users of transportation services, and for the protection of the environment from harmful emissions. This study aims to propose a methodology for formulating a tram transportation plan considering technological, environmental, economic, and social indicators. The variant schemes represent the routes of a tram in the tram network. The methodology includes four stages. The first stage involves the determination of variant schemes for a transportation plan of service with trams. In the second stage, a two-step optimization model is proposed to determine the number and trams by types for each tram route for each variant scheme, and also to establish the distribution of trams by depots. The third stage includes ranking the variant schemes by applying the sequential interactive model for urban systems (SIMUS) multi-criteria method. Eleven quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating the tram transportation plan were introduced. A verification of the results is performed in the fourth stage. For this purpose, a comparison of the preference ranking organization method for enrichment of evaluations (PROMETHEE) method and the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method is made. Both methods have different approaches for decision making and differ from the SIMUS method. Two strategies were proposed to determine the criteria weights. One is based on the Shannon entropy method and the other uses the objective weights obtained through the SIMUS method. Finally, in the fifth stage, the results obtained through the SIMUS, PROMEHEE and TOPSIS methods are combined using the expected value obtained by applying the program evaluation and review technique method (PERT). The proposed methodology was applied to study tram transportation in Sofia, Bulgaria. Five variant schemes were considered. The schemes are optimized through the criterion of minimum energy consumption. The number of trams by routes and by type was determined. An improved scheme for tram transportation in Sofia was proposed. The scheme makes it possible to increase the frequency of the trams by 13%, to reduce the zero mileage of rolling stock, and to reduce carbon dioxide pollution by 11%.


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