Autors: Mitova, M. P., Milenov, V. A. Title: Advancements in Photovoltaic Panel Recycling: Processes and Challenges Keywords: end-of-life, European legislation, PV panels, PV plants, recycling, wasteAbstract: The article provides a research and analysis of the European legislation related to the management and treatment of waste from electrical and electronic equipment, including photovoltaic (PV) panels, in order to indicate the current goals and requirements in this area. An estimated calculation of installed PV panels by 2027 for EU countries is made. An estimated state regarding the generation of waste from PV panels by 2050 is presented. Classification of PV cells according to their manufacturing technology is presented. Structures of the most used photovoltaic panels are presented and the most widely used recycling methods are discussed. Recycling approach for large PV plants is proposed to effectively recycle PV panels and reduce the costs of this activity. A map with brief information and designation of the larger PV plants in Bulgaria is created. References - IRENA (2022), Renewable Energy Statistics 2022, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
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| 2024 16th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference, BulEF 2024, 2024, , |