Autors: Nikolov, N. N., Atanasov, V. C., Stoilov, D. G. Title: Overview on contemporary constructions of high voltage cables Keywords: cable components, cable insulation, cable sheaths, underground cable power linesAbstract: With the technological development of the insulation materials used in underground cable lines, they undergo a significant improvement in their operational performance. The high costs associated with the production and operation of the oil-filled cables and on the other hand having the new advanced technologies of the dry insulation materials create suitable prerequisites for the wide penetration of the cables with advanced insulation. Today, high voltage cables can be produced with insulation material of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR), High Ethylene Propylene Rubber (HERP) and Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE). The construction of contemporary high-voltage cable -comprises: a conductor, a semi-conductive shield of the conductor, insulation, a semi-conductive shield of the insulation, a metal sheath or shield (or a combination of both), a water-blocking layer, a cable armor and an outer sheath. The article discusses the layers forming the cables structure, as well as their functions for ensuring the reliable electrical operation. The main parameters of each cable layer are described. References - CIGRE WG B1.47, Implementation of long AC HV and EHV cable systems, CIGRE, TB 680, ISBN: 978-2-85873-383-5, 2017.
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