Autors: Tzvetkova, S. G., Lozanov, Y. I., Petleshkov, A. S. Title: Thermographic assessment of the technical condition of photovoltaic power plants – A case study Keywords: anomalies, faults, photovoltaic power plant, thermal imagingAbstract: The report presents a methodology for conducting a thermal imaging study of ground-based photovoltaic power plants. Results of a simplified survey of the photovoltaic panels of a photovoltaic power plant are given, according to the developed methodology. References - H. Glavaš, M. Vukobratović, M. Primorac and D. Muštran, "Infrared thermography in inspection of photovoltaic panels," 2017 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST), Osijek, Croatia, 2017, pp. 63-68, doi: 10.1109/SST.2017.8188671.
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