Autors: Gospodinova, D. N., Panchev, M. T., Neznakomova, M. P. Title: UV Modification of Non-Woven Filters from Waste Wool Fibers for Treatment of Waters Polluted with Oil Products Keywords: filter barrier, non-woven fabrics (NWF), oil products, UVC – ultraviolet 254 nm, wool wasteAbstract: The present paper introduces a novel technology aimed at improving the retention rate of nonwoven filter barriers produced using the wet method with short, waste wool fibers and dusts. These filter barriers are specifically designed to treat oil-contaminated wastewater. The study demonstrates that exposing the filter barriers to ultraviolet (UV) radiation with a wavelength of 254 nanometers on one or both sides increases their efficiency. The findings indicate that a treatment time of between 2 and 3 minutes with single-sided UV irradiation is sufficient for the wool-based filter barrier. Additionally, the research suggests that using a three-layer filter structure can enhance the filter barrier's efficiency to 1.26 g/g fibers (0.196 for a single-layer filter structure). The study recommends the implementation of an environmentally friendly and cost-effective process for producing efficient filter barriers from textile waste for water purification purposes. This process involves using UVC irradiation, which is simple to implement and has low associated costs. References - A. D. M. de Medeiros, C. J. G. da Silva Junior, J. D. P. de Amorim, I. J. B. Durval, A. F. de S. Costa, and L. A. Sarubbo, “Oily Wastewater Treatment: Methods, Challenges, and Trends,” Processes, vol. 10, no. 4, Art. no. 4, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.3390/pr10040743.
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