Autors: Tzanova, A. I. Title: Investigation of Biogas, Methane, and CO2 Production with the Addition of Urtica Dioica (Dry and Fresh) in a Laboratory Anaerobic Reactor Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biogas, carbon dioxide, methane, nettle, Urtica DioicaAbstract: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact on biogas, methane, and CO2 production with the addition of Urtica Dioica (dry and fresh) in a laboratory anaerobic reactor with a working volume of 350 ml at 37 °C for 54 days. Cattle manure from an eco-farm as the inoculum starter. Nettle Urtica Dioica, which is an inexpensive and readily available weed, stimulates microbial activity and creates a favorable environment for accelerating their growth and reproduction. The results of the measured cumulative volumes—3385 ml of biogas and 1926 ml of methane, with 57% methane and 8% CO2—were obtained by mixing 80% cattle manure and 20% fresh nettle. This provides evidence of the catalytic effect of the fresh nettle addition on the process. References - K. Obileke, N. Nwokolo, G. Makaka, P. Mukumba, and H. Onyeaka, “Anaerobic digestion: Technology for biogas production as a source of renewable energy—A review.”, Energy Environ., vol. 32, pp. 191-225, March 2021.
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